
Sort By:

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alkohol 96% Medis 40L

Made in India

Packing 20L

Sediaan Cair

Kadar 96%

Aplikasi Rumah sakit dan desinfectant

Tidak diperjual belikan dengan bebas

Tidak untuk Konsumsi

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alkohol 96% Teknis 40L

Made in India

Packing 20L

Sediaan Cair

Kadar 96%

Aplikasi Rumah sakit dan desinfectant

Tidak diperjual belikan dengan bebas

Tidak untuk Konsumsi

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alkohol 96% Cair 40L

Made in India

Packing 20L

Sediaan Cair

Kadar 96%

Aplikasi Rumah sakit dan desinfectant

Tidak diperjual belikan dengan bebas

Tidak untuk Konsumsi

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alkohol 96% Medis 20L

Made in India

Packing 20L

Sediaan Cair

Kadar 96%

Aplikasi Rumah sakit dan desinfectant

Tidak diperjual belikan dengan bebas

Tidak untuk Konsumsi

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

5ml Cryotube Citotest

1 Box isi 200Pcs

Made in China

Volume 5Ml

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Biologix Cryotube 2ml

1 Box isi 50Pcs

Made in Korea

Volume 2Ml

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Cryotube 2ml Biologix

1 Box isi 50Pcs

Made in Korea

Volume 2Ml

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Cryotube 5ml Citotest

1 Box isi 200Pcs

Made in China

Volume 5Ml

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Penggerus Hipofisa 1 Set

Made in China

Glass Pyrex

Merek Delta

Harga Hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Penggerus Hipofisa Ikan

Made in China

Glass Pyrex

Merek Delta

Harga Hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Penggerus Hipofisa Pyrex

Made in China

Glass Pyrex

Merek Delta

Harga Hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Tissue Grinder Pyrex

Made in Germany

Pyrex glass

Panjang 30cm

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Tissue Grinder Pyrex Glass

Made in Germany

Pyrex glass

Panjang 30cm

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Ovitrap Mosquito 12cm

Made in China

Plastik PP


1 Box isi 100Pcs

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Ovitrap Mosquito 18cm

Made in China

Plastik PP


1 Box isi 100Pcs

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 2.341
Rp 123Rp 123

Solid Phase Extraction QSE-12B


Hole Quantity

Gas control method

Pressure display

Vacuum degree

Flow control valve

QSE -36A


Uniform control


With pressure instrument






QSE -36B

Independent control each hole


QSE -72A


Uniform control


QSE -72B

Independent control each hole


QSE -12B


Uniform control


QSE -12D

Independent control each hole


QSE -24A


Uniform control


QSE -24B

Independent control each hole


Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Solid Phase Extraction QSE-24A


Hole Quantity

Gas control method

Pressure display

Vacuum degree

Flow control valve

QSE -36A


Uniform control


With pressure instrument






QSE -36B

Independent control each hole


QSE -72A


Uniform control


QSE -72B

Independent control each hole


QSE -12B


Uniform control


QSE -12D

Independent control each hole


QSE -24A


Uniform control


QSE -24B

Independent control each hole


Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Solid Phase Extraction QSE-24B


Hole Quantity

Gas control method

Pressure display

Vacuum degree

Flow control valve

QSE -36A


Uniform control


With pressure instrument






QSE -36B

Independent control each hole


QSE -72A


Uniform control


QSE -72B

Independent control each hole


QSE -12B


Uniform control


QSE -12D

Independent control each hole


QSE -24A


Uniform control


QSE -24B

Independent control each hole


Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Solid Phase Extraction SPE12

Made in China The solid phase extraction equipment is mainly used in sample pretreatment. It is used for extracting semi-volatile or non-volatile chemical compound, removal of impurities which interfering compartment analysis from the liquid samples, as well as dealing solid  samples which can dissolve in solvent before processing. It  makes  sample  high recovery  and  high efficiency,save experimental time and labor.

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Solid Phase Extraction SPE24

Made in China The solid phase extraction equipment is mainly used in sample pretreatment. It is used for extracting semi-volatile or non-volatile chemical compound, removal of impurities which interfering compartment analysis from the liquid samples, as well as dealing solid  samples which can dissolve in solvent before processing. It  makes  sample  high recovery  and  high efficiency,save experimental time and labor.

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

3M Masker 6001

Made in USA

Cocok untuk penggunaan pada industri Kimia

1 Box lengkap dengan Filter

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Masker 3M 6001

Made in USA

Cocok untuk penggunaan pada industri Kimia

1 Box lengkap dengan Filter

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Masker 3M 7502

Made in USA

Cocok untuk penggunaan pada industri Kimia

1 Box lengkap dengan Filter

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Tisu Lensa

Made in China

1 Box isi 100 Pack

1 Pack isi 100 Lembar

harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Tisu Lensa 10Lbr

Made in China

1 Box isi 100 Pack

1 Pack isi 100 Lembar

harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Botol Vial 20ml Coklat

Botol dapat masuk ke Autoclave

Desain tebal,Tutup Ulir

Tersedia berbagai ukuran

1 Pack isi 10 Pcc

Min pembelian 3 pack

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Botol Vial 30ml Coklat

Botol dapat masuk ke Autoclave

Desain tebal,Tutup Ulir

Tersedia berbagai ukuran

1 Pack isi 10 Pcc

Min pembelian 3 pack

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Timbangan Gram Farmasi

Made in Indonesia

Tersedia berbagai merek

Menyediakan Berbagai ukuran

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Timbangan Miligram Farmasi

Made in Indonesia

Tersedia berbagai merek

Menyediakan Berbagai ukuran

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Eppendorf Adapter 5804

Made in germany

Volume 7 x 15ml

Cat #5804

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Eppendorf Adapter 5810

Made in germany

Volume 7 x 15ml

Cat #5810

Harga hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Tubing Silicone 6X9mm

Made in germany

tahan panas

Food grade

harga hubungi CS